Raffel, Voxter & Reper.io are now offically Silver Members of the OTF!
Now that the Open Telecom Foundation is now a legal entity, our members can offiatially join as members after first reading and agreeing to our foundation By-Laws.
Today, Raffel, from the Netherlands, Voxter, from Canada, and Reper.io, from the USA, have joined the OTF as a Silver Members.
Raffel is represented by volunteer Silver Director Remco van Vugt, Voxter is represented by volunteer Silver Director Dayton Turner, and Reper.io is represented by volunteer Silver Director Noah Mehl. Remco, Dayton and Noah are members of the founding OTF Board.
As Silver Members, Raffel, Voxter and Reper.io are happy to contribute their annual OTF membership fees, paid in monthly instalments.
Raffel (Netherlands)
- Is a founding member of the OTF who is proud to contribute the small monthly Silver membership dues.
- CEO Remco van Vugt volunteers his time as an OTF director.
- Sponsored enhancements to the Kazoo project’s ACDC module by hiring 3rd party developers.
Voxter (Canada)
- Is a founding member of the OTF who is proud to contribute the small monthly Silver membership dues.
- CEO Dayton Turner volunteers his time as an OTF director.
- Developers, Daniel Finke and Lucas Bussey make source code contributions to the Kazoo project.
- Sponsored development and enhancements to the Kazoo project’s ACDC module, Asterisk AMI Emulator and Queue Log Translator Modules, Dynamic Callflows support, Zoning Configuration and testing, as well as many other small additions.
Reper.io (USA)
- Is a founding member of the OTF who is proud to contribute the small monthly Silver membership dues.
- CEO Noah Mehl volunteers his time as an OTF director.
- Leads best practices regarding RabbitMQ in a highly-available cluster.
- Developer, Noah Mehl make source code contributions to the Kazoo project